Read the full CAMI Return to Work Guide here: (PDF)
CAMI is currently in Core Phase 3: Expanded Service.
In Phase 3, all services are available with restrictions aimed at maintaining physical distancing. Training for the IVIS Spectrum and the Cell Culture room will be handled remotely.
Occupancy limits:

PPE requirements:
- Face coverings are required in all public areas of CAMI.
- Surgical face masks are required in all animal areas.
- Gloves are prohibited outside lab areas.
Phase 2 policies:
- When scheduling the cell culture room or the IVIS, allow 10 minutes between reservations. We will not allow back-to-back reservations.
- Staff will work from home when possible. If you need immediate help, send a chat message using Microsoft Teams. Shortcuts will be available on lab PC desktops.
- Arrange sample drop-off with CAMI staff 1 day in advance, then leave it at the contactless drop area in the CAMI lobby. If your sample needs refrigeration, please request a Styrofoam container or bring your own.
- High touch areas, such as doorknobs, will be cleaned four times per week by the janitorial staff. CAMI staff will disinfect keyboards, computer mice, tabletops, and chair arms in the lobby (daily, if possible). Users may request ethanol and paper towel if they wish to clean up before and after their use of the lobby workstations.
- Pre-pandemic cleaning procedures remain the same for the cell culture room and IVIS area, and include disinfection of all surfaces and benchtops.
- For additional area-specific information, please consult the detailed CAMI Return to Work Guide or contact CAMI staff.