on the publication of their manuscript “Multimeric Near IR–MR Contrast Agent for Multimodal In Vivo Imaging” in the Journal of the American Chemical Society. Their manuscript was selected as an Editors’ Choice publication in the July 22, 2015 issue. Victoria and Christiane used CAMI’s IVIS Spectrum and 9.4T MRI to test their multimodal Near IR-MRI contrast agent in vivo.
Author: abm452
CLP Core Crawl
Visit CAMI and see our new PET/CT this Thursday, July 17 from 3-5PM at the CLP Core Crawl! CAMI staff will be on hand for demonstrations of the 3D visualization wall, as well as tours showcasing our suite of imaging equipment. This is a great chance for to meet us, see our preclinical imaging equipment, and discuss how imaging might advance your research.
PET/CT added to CAMI’s preclinical nuclear imaging suite
CAMI has just added a new nuclear imaging modality; a positron emission tomography and x-ray computed tomography (PET/CT)imaging system. CAMI was the first facility to offer nuclear imaging for small animals at Northwestern when single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT/CT) was added in August 2014. Both the PET/CT and SPECT/CT scanners offer sub-millimeter resolution with high sensitivity, utilizing state-of-the-art hardware and software. These preclinical instruments are smaller versions of those used in the clinic, allowing researchers at CAMI to translate preclinical findings directly to patients. The addition of these imaging modalities to CAMI’s suite of MRI and IVIS instruments allows CAMI to provide unparalleled service in translational medicine, therapeutics, and diagnostics. The data generated by CAMI’s nuclear imaging instruments will provide investigators with quantitative, noninvasive and longitudinal measurements that address the technological needs and enhance the advancements of a wide range of biomedical research projects ongoing at Northwestern University. Nuclear imaging is not is not only more sensitive than most traditional animal studies, such as biodistribution and toxicity studies, it also requires fewer animals to obtain significant results and is more clinically relevant. Please contact CAMI’s managing director, Chad Haney (chad.haney@northwestern.edu), to discuss how preclinical imaging can transform your research.
Congratulations to MRI user Kirsten Viola
on the publication of her manuscript “Towards non-invasive diagnostic imaging of early-stage Alzheimer’s disease” in Nature Nanotechnology. As part of a collaboration between Prof. Bill Klein and Prof. Vinayak Dravid’s research groups, Kirsten used CAMI’s MRI systems to image iron magnetic nanostructures targeted to amyloid beta-oligomers, which may represent an earlier biomarker of Alzheimer’s disease than the more widely known amyloid plaques.
New IVIS Spectrum training videos from PerkinElmer
PerkinElmer has released a series of four detailed training videos that may be very helpful for users of the IVIS Spectrum, either as an introduction for new users or a refresher for existing users.
MRI workstations to be upgraded
CAMI’s MRI systems will receive an upgrade in the form of new control software (Paravision 6) and faster workstations, thanks to an internal equipment grant from NU’s Office for Research. The new software and workstations will allow more robust and efficient data collection, and an improved user experience.
Congratulations to MRI user Adam Preslar
on the publication of his new manuscript, “Gd(III)-Labeled Peptide Nanofibers for Reporting on Biomaterial Localization in Vivo” in ACS Nano. Adam’s work shows that novel Gd(III) labeled self-assembling peptide amphiphiles can be tracked with MRI over the course of several days.
SPECT major equipment grant funded
CAMI is excited to announce that Prof. Ming Zhao’s NIH S10 equipment grant for a SPECT/CT scanner has been funded! The MILabs U-SPECT+/CT will be placed in CAMI, and is expected to be installed in early July of 2014 and will become available to users by late summer. Please contact Chad Haney if you are interested in using this instrument.