Through the generous support of the H Foundation, Lurie Cancer Center (LCC) Members can apply for up to $10,000 to utilize any of the LCC supported Cores to drive research forward. Applicants must be using the chosen core for the first time or must not have used the core within the last year. The purpose of this RFA is to increase core usage by LCC members. Projects initiated with these awards should provide preliminary results for grant applications to external funding agencies for more long-term projects, such as NIH R21, R01 or larger grants. Application details are below.
Detailed information on CAMI equipment is available at
Applications will be submitted through the portal at For questions and further information, please contact Jodi Johnson, PhD, Basic Research Program Coordinator at the Lurie Cancer Center, at
The deadline for applications is December 7, 2022.
Application Process
Before preparing an application, discuss project suitability and feasibility with facility staff by contacting the applicable core facilities, and make a statement in the application including the date of the consultation and name of the person with whom you spoke.
Proposals should be written in typeface no smaller than Arial 11 point, with 1-inch margins and should include the following sections:
- Title page including title, applicant names and affiliations, LCC program affiliation, and whether you are a new core user or have used the core in the past (date of past use must be more than 1 year ago).
- Project description
No more than 2 pages, including figures. References can be on a separate page. This should be organized in the following sections:- Specific Aims
- Significance including project’s relevance to cancer
- Preliminary data or existing assays or model systems that are relevant to the proposed goals.
- Research Plan
- Innovation
- No more than 200 words. Briefly describe the project’s unique aspects in the context of existing knowledge in the field
- Project continuation plan
- No more than 200 words. This brief unreferenced section should describe how the pilot project data will be used to achieve longer term research funding or continuation of the project.
- Include current NIH-style biosketches for all key personnel.
Evaluation Process
Applications will be evaluated based on:
- Cancer relevance of the project
- Strength of ideas for use of the cores
- Scientific merit, with particular attention given to innovation
- Prospects for obtaining continued funding of the project